
Welcome to the gallery page.  View photos from past activities and meetings.

February 21, 2025    Topic: The benefits of being a SC federated garden club

Tara Ransom, Membership Chair (L) and David Stoudenmire, Jr (R), President of the Garden Club of SC


January 17, 2025     Gullah Museum History and Mission
Speakers:  Dr. Louise Miller Cohen (right) and Nell Hay (left)


The Avid Gardeners Holiday Luncheon
Dolphin Head Recreation Center
December 7, 2024



September 20, 2024  Tim Drake, landscape designer from The Greenery

His list of plants that will thrive in the Lowcountry:

September’s Hostesses



June 7, 2024    Pot Luck Social Dolphin Head Rec Center





April 19, 2024   Field Trip     Palmetto Oaks Sculpture Garden    Bluffton



February 16, 2024     Camelia Garden Tour/Field Trip  Honey Horn Plantation  


December 6, 2023   Holiday Luncheon at Hewitt Oaks, Bluffton



November 13, 2023   Coligny Theatre
Floral Arranging presented by Kirk Moore



May 19, 2023     Officers’ Installation Luncheon   Spring Lake Pavilion


Patti Peacock Winner of door prize.
Patti Peacock, door prize winner


January 20, 2023                     HHP Farm Club

The history of the Hilton Head Plantation Farm Club on Seabrook Drive was presented by member, Barbara Holmes who is also a “farmer” at Seabrook Farms.

Barbara Holmes


The door prize was won by Jan Fatzinger.    




Holiday Home Tour        December 8, 2022

 photos by Sandy Stern

November 18 meeting with speaker Debbi Albanese, a biologist focusing on ecology and conservation. For highlights from her presentation, click on the Links tab and then the highlights tab.

Field Trip   October 21, 2022     Three Sister Organic Farm




 Celebrating our 35th year


Member Photos of Amaryllis

Jacqueline Emery:


Sandy Stern:



Patti Peacock:


Louise Gorny: Flamenco Queen




Caroline Alderman:






March 18

Field Trip to Oldfield Plantation, Okatie


Holiday Luncheon
at the home of member, Dede Bethke
December 10, 2021  


Raffle winners:







 Field trip to Wormsloe State Historic Site, Georgia 
                                                  November 19, 2021   






Pet Parade Fundraiser
October 29, 2021




July, 2020 Fundraiser


January 17, 2020    CAMELLIAS – History and Romantic Stories, presented by Donna and Fred Manske, garden creators


at the Coastal Discovery Museum, Honey Horn Plantation



December 10, 2019       HOLIDAY PARTY      Dolphin Head Golf Club


November 15, 2019  The Secret Life of Trees

Presentation by Sally Krebs, certified arborist



October 18, 2019  Three Sisters Organic Farm, Pinckney Colony Community, Bluffton
Slide show presentation by Mary Connor

The “three sisters — Mary Connor, Beth Lee, and Priscilla Coleman — created Three Sisters Farm on family land in Beaufort County’s Calhoun Plantation. The entire property is in
a conservation easement, so planting a farm seemed like a natural way to use the acreage.
Three Sisters Farm is certified organic, growing a wide variety of vegetables, herbs, and greens like arugula, kale, baby broccoli florets, cabbage, as well as daffodils and other flowers.
They sell to local restaurants and run a small CSA, and have booths at the Port Royal and Bluffton farmers markets. The sisters also sell through the Sea Islands Local Outlet, better known as SILO.”


September 20, 2019  Container Planting design concepts by the Greenery

List of Thrillers, Fillers, Spillers:


Olivia and Carol introducing new members at September’s meeting


June 21, 2019    An Evening “get-together” at the home of Olivia and Larry Ford




May 17, 2019     Visiting Members Gardens and Installation of New Officers


Gardens by:  Patti Peacock, Dick & Mary Ellen Phillips, Trudee Bamberg

New Officers Installation



                                                  New Officers, 2019 (from left to right)
Olivia Ford, President
Carol Sevelowitz, Membership
Janet Hicks for Sue Blake, Programs
Liz VanAlstyne for Joyce Prange, Secretary
Lori Schmidt, Treasurer


March 15, 2019       Speaker, Maggie Engstrom

Maggie’s creations:


Holiday Party, December 4, 2018

November 16, 2018
Make It, Bake It, Sew It, Grow It







October 19, 2018 meeting.

Trish Bender from South Carolina Garden Club was one of our guest speakers. She and Sandy Stern made a video at our Plant-It-Pink garden.

To view it, log into and search “gardenclubofsouthcarolina”.

Our other speaker was Jane Hester from HHI Audubon Society with a powerpoint presentation of local birds in preparation for the annual Christmas count.

We also celebrated Patti Peacock’s 90th Birthday!!!!!



June 16, 2018 meeting.

 End-of-year gathering at the home of Jacqui and Steven Katz




May 18, 2018 meeting.

Visiting the Seabrook Farms with Diane Middleton




March 16, 2018 meeting
New Plants for Spring     “Seductive Succulents”  Olivia Ford

  March 11, 2018
Plant-It-Pink  workday

March 1, 2018
Fundraiser Workshop


February 16, 2018 meeting
How to Turn a Functional Table into an Exhibit Table”  Olivia Ford


January 19, 2018 meeting
New Year, New Designs   Maggie Engstrom


 November 17, 2018
“Make It, Bake It, Sew It, Grow It”